
Thursday, June 17, 2010

What a bunch of craft!

Ok, so these past few months have been just insane. When we arent running around all over the place, we are lounging by Saramae's pool. We really need to figure out a way to scrap outside poolside without stuff blowing away or getting wet :)

Anyway, so I havnt really done any videos or hell, even much crafting lately. We busted ass to get the Scrap Beach 'Bitch' Tags done. But I didnt get a chance to do a video of them. Ill have to make another one to show what I did to em haha. Im super excited to get back all the cool bitchy tags from the other ladies at the scrap beach!

Upcoming projects that I just HAVE to get done are a flower swap, and a wedding mini I need to finish for our amazing bartender, waitress, and friend extrodinaire who was married last week.

I also grabbed some artist books, I think its time for me to jump on the art journal bandwagon. I tend to do things like that but never all in the same book. It will be fun to be able to try all these techniques all in one spot. And NOT throw away the test page! :)

Currently, I am in Louisiana, MELTING, visiting my Momma for the week. Ill be heading back north where its normal in a few days. The kiddos are staying for a week or two so I get my whole house QUIET for a while. YAY!!!!

Anyway, here are some stuffs I was able to throw together last week just to curb the need for creating.

I've been doing this book technique for years. Its alot of fun and the possibilities are really endless. This one I decided not to gesso/paint. I just used the raw book pages. I did brush over a whitewash and a pop of color here and there with some acrylics. Here are the videos of the book itself, and how I shaped it.

And the technique!

Thanks all that subscribed and entered the giveaway. I'll be doing the random drawing this coming Saturday when Im back home.

IM SO EXCITED! My first giveaway!!!!

Love yall!

(You know Im in the south when i start using 'yall' again hehe)

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